February closes with 1,598,635 tourists, a 17% increase compared to the same month in 2023

Canarias receives 17% more tourists in February 2024

More than 1.5 million visitors arrived in the Canary Islands by air in February 2024, representing a 17% increase compared to the same month of the previous year.

International tourists were the main contributors to this growth, with an increase of 17.23%, while domestic tourists also experienced an increase of 13.55%.

The United Kingdom was the main source country for tourists, with more than 500,000 visitors, followed by Germany with more than 265,000 and Spain with more than 131,000.

Tenerife was the island that received the most tourists, with more than 630,000, followed by Gran Canaria with more than 450,000.

In summary, tourism in the Canary Islands continues to boom, with notable growth in the number of both international and domestic visitors.

For more information, please consult ISTAC (Canary Islands Statistics Institute):

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